Review Essay on Joanna Tokarska-Bakir: Pod klątwą. Spoɬeczny portret pogromu kieleckiego [“Cursed: A Social Portrait of the Kielce Pogrom”] (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Czarna Owca, 2018, 2 v.). Acta Poloniae Historica, 119 (2019), 336-344.
“Village Life in East-Elbian Germany and Poland, 1400-1800: Subjection, Self-Defense, Survival,” in Tom Scott, ed., The European Peasantries, 1400-1800 (Longman Press, 1998), 145-189.
William W. Hagen, Curriculum Vitae 2022
Interpreting the History of Pogroms in Poland : Are “Causes” Actually “Contexts” and — If So — For What?
William W. Hagen, “The Last Days of Galicia: Its Dissolution in Austrian Eyes, 1914-1918” [unpublished manuscript]
William W. Hagen [University of California, Davis]
“The Last Days of Galicia – Its Dissolution in Austrian Eyes, 1914-1918” [scholarly article]
This is a finished manuscript, built on archival research carried out for the book, William W. Hagen, Anti-Jewish Violence in Poland, 1914-1920 (Cambridge University Pres, 2018). It may be cited as “manuscript article,” accessible in this location.
William W. Hagen, “The Three Horsemen of the Holocaust: Anti-Semitism, East European Empire, Aryan Folk Community” (2015)
“Before the ‘Final Solution:’ Toward a Comparative Analysis of Political Antisemitism in Interwar Germany and Poland.” Journal of Modern History (July, 1996): 351-81.
Article awarded the Chester Penn Higby prize of the modern Europe Section of the American Historical Association, for best article by a north American historian published in The Journal of Modern History in the two-year period 1995-96.